Saturday, January 24, 2015

For Sophia Loren

E mille grazie,  bella donna, for the rich inspiration.

I saw a fantastic film montage of this magical creature this week and I just could not help myself from giving it a go with the ole pencil, using one of her earlier photos, which lead to Photoshop for the finish.

After two years, (and whoa, hard to believe it's been that long since that life-changing day in the ER), I'm more than happy to be literally, back at the drawing board, so I'm sharing the fruits of yesterday's labors with you all here.

And with any luck, with Sophia Loren as well.  

Pleased to share too that this work was all done without painkillers.

Lil by lil, Juan day at-a-time, taking back the meadow...


: J

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